Hedge and Shade Ministries

We've all needed an oasis of safety and rest, a refuge from the dangers of the world. 


 A safe place to rest and heal...and grow



A PEOPLE REFUGE:  We have a huge heart for wounded people. These most vulnerable need a hedge of protection from the world's dangers and a shade from the heat. That's where the idea of Hedge and Shade Ministries originated - to provide a beautiful, serene setting where broken humans can hide and feel safe so they can heal. Eventually, we want to focus on those rescued from human trafficking, but plenty of those in our community need help right now. 


Quiet and peace. Gardens and animals. We  provide a place where people can hear from God and find healing, where they can start to put their lives back together. This ministry is in its infancy, and we are working to raise the funds to build a new safe house.


YOUTH CAMP:  We know how expensive summer camp can be. We are working to provide a quality camp that keeps down costs (with designated free spots) for children who usually couldn't afford to go. Hedge and Shade Camp offers tons of fresh, outdoor fun away from electronics and noise. It's a place where youth can learn about the love and truth of God in a beautiful environment full of adventures and new friends!


WILDLIFE REFUGE: In addition, our oasis in the wilderness provides a haven for mother elk. We allow no hunting on the property, and we limit vehicle traffic to avoid disturbing the birthing grounds. Every year, a multitude of pregnant cow elk give birth in our meadows, and the herds can be seen in the fields every evening from late June to September.


For You have been a strength to the poor,
A strength to the needy in his distress,
A refuge from the storm,
A shade from the heat;
For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. 

-Isaiah 25:4 (NKJV)